How cyber criminals can be stopped
According to a recent report by Deloitte, based on cybercrimes hints that all the developed and wealthy countries are under attack from cybercriminals from all over the world. The list of countries includes the US, Britain, South Korea, Germany, Japan, and UAE.
According to the reports, hackers are also targeting some of the bigger names in the corporate world like Microsoft, AOL, AirBnB, Yahoo, eBay, FBI, and many more. So, if the hackers have set their eyes on such high targets then how can you think that your system is safe from any attack?
How to stop a cybercriminal
S&M enterprises need to tighten up
All enterprises irrespective of their sizes should develop a mechanism to counter any kind of breach, threat and attack. We know that large organizations are mostly fully equipped against any threat. However, it’s the small and medium enterprises that sometimes play risky and give way to hackers, who make their way from small and medium companies to the large ones.
Biggest threat
Have you ever thought “who in your organization is the biggest threat which can lead to cyber disasters”? It’s your employees. Cyber criminals are always in the lookout for any loophole and negligent employees ease the way for hackers through a blunder or mishandling of any function.
Educate your employees and stay safe.
Stay in touch with the service provider
The management of the organization should always be in touch with the cyber security service. This practice should be done to ensure that the service provider has installed all the necessary programs to safeguard the network from any outside attacks.
Cloud should be the go-to option
Current times demand that all companies rely on cloud technology to make sure that all their data is stored safely and away from the reach of hacking criminals. Cloud computing has a number of benefits; it not only saves time and money but also lessens the risks of data being stolen.
Firewall settings
After obtaining cyber security services provided by IT consultants in Dubai, you can deploy firewalls and add filters to your system. This way you are blocking the access of hackers to your system and making their life difficult.
Remember, the more you are concerned about the security of your network, the safer you are.